Document type description:
English-French micro-lexicon of analytical biochemistry, extracted from database compiled by M.S.N. CARPENTER and DGCCRF technicians, September 1993-April 1994, file of 408 bench-level starting records
Data structure:
Subject area, short form, definition or meaning, exerpt showing term in context, example, variant, synonym, alternative form, observation, cross-reference : vedette; grammaire; abbréviation; définition; exemples spécifiques; équivalent; note technique; renvoi (cf.), bibliographic source for record
absorbance maximum : ?absorbance maximale; l.f., HEWLETT-PACKARD
absorptivity, HEWLETT-PACKARD
acceptable level : concentration admissible
accuracy, accuracy of the method : justesse; n.f., AGARWAL
achromatic lens system, HEWLETT-PACKARD
activity, activity increasing on adsorption column, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
acute intake, VAN EGMOND
adduct, chemistry, a chemical compound, molecule, etc. formed by direct combination of two or more compounds, molecules or elements (LONGMAN), TMS (silylation) and BBA (boronation) derivatives, adduction, product formed by addition of derivatization reagent to compound, derivatization reagent : adduit, n.m.; SALTRON; composé d'addition, l.m., ROUTLEDGE; réactif de dérivation
adjuvant, additive : adjuvant, PARAF
administer,, the protein was administered to mouse skin, a drug can be administered by injection or orally : appliquer; injecter, PARAF
aflatoxin, group of very poisonous substances produced by moulds and which cause liver cancer, aflatoxins B, G and M, the species of mould "Aspergillus flavus" grows in badly stored peanuts, VAN EGMOND
aggregation, dénaturation : agglomération, PARAF
agonist, a chemical substance capable of combining with a receptor on the surfaceof a cell and iniating a reaction, especially associated with nerve cells, antagonist, McCARTHY
air dry : séchage à air, VARIAN
alcoholic , alcoholic KOH soution, ethanolic, ethanolic pyrogallol solution, AGARWAL
allergenic, capable of elliciting a an allergic or anaphylactic immune response, PARAF
alternating current signal, ac signal, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
ambient temperature : température ambiante, AGARWAL
amino acid residue : résidu d'acides aminés; l.m., PARAF
amount of sample : quantité d'échantillon; l.f., HADDEN & ZAMARONI
analphylactic immune response, PARAF
analyte : substance à analyser, McCARTHY
analytical grade, l.adj., Analar (BDH Trade Mark) : qualité pour analyse quantitative, AGARWAL
anaphylaxis, a class of hypersensitivity response (type 1) in which a massive release of inflamatory mediators results from re-exposure to an antigenic substance, passive cutaneous analphylaxix (PCA) : anaphylaxie, PARAF
animal feedstuff : aliment de bétail, VAN EGMOND
antibody : anticorps; n.m., PARAF
antigen-binding site : site de fixation de l'antigène, PARAF
aqueous, aqueous KOH solution; solution aqueuse de potasse, AGARWAL
assess, : estimer; évaluer, McCARTHY
asthma, a common condition characterized by persistent inflamatory changes in the bronchii resulting in variable airway calibre and clinical hypereactivity, McCARTHY
attentuation, AGARWAL
authenticity testing : contrôle d'identification
automatic wavelength switching : balayage automatique des longueurs d'onde, HEWLETT-PACKARD
autosampler : passeur automatique d'échantillon, VARIAN
backup solvent, VARIAN
bad column : mauvaise colonne; l.f., HADDEN & ZAMARONI
bandwidth : fenêtre, HEWLETT-PACKARD
baseline : ligne de base; l.m., AGARWAL
baseline separation, McCARTHY
baseline stepping : ligne de base avec paliers, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
base peak, GC/MS, peak of a mass spectrum that serves as a standard for comparison or from which measurements can be taken, main peak : pic de base; l.m., SMITH & UDSETH
ß2-adrenoreceptor, McCARTHY
binding, a loss of binding of particular MAbs, PARAF
brittle asthma, type of asthma where the variations in airway flow are considerable and unpredictable despite maximal treatment : asthme instable, McCARTHY
bronchitis : bronchite; n.f., McCARTHY
broncodilator, pharmacology, drug used to dilate airway calibre, used in combination with ß2-agonists and inhaled steroids in the maximal treatment of asthma : broncodilateur; n.m., McCARTHY et al
buffer, substance capable of neutralizing both acids and alkalis in a solution and thereby maintaining the original pH of the solution : tampon, McCARTHY
build-up : accumulation, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
calibration vial : fiole d'étalonnage; flacon d'étalonnage, VARIAN
capture, the action of binding to and being separated from the bulk sample, the substrate (NOA or PHDOA) is captured, PARAF
carboxymethylated, adj. : carboxymethylé, PARAF
carrousel : carrousel; n.m., VARIAN
carryover : contamination inter-échantillon; effet mémoire d'un échantillon à un autre, VARIAN
cell path length, HEWLETT-PACKARD
centrifuge tube, conical centifuge tubes with glass stoppers, used for isomerization, graduated conical centrifuge tubes, used for collection of vitamin D fraction from LC cleanup step, AGARWAL
check-valve, basic liquid chromatography : clapet; n.m., HADDEN & ZAMARONI
chemical ionization, GC/MS, CI, mode of ionization brought about by chemical reaction with reagent gas in the source, negative ion CI, positive ion CI, electron impact : ionization chimique; l.f.; ionisation à l'intérieur d'une source induite par réaction chimique, SMITH & UDSETH
chromatographic column, AGARWAL
chromatographic signal, UV/VIS spectrophotometry, absorbance as a function of time, difference between absorbance at a sample wavelength and absorbance at reference wavelength, HEWLETT-PACKARD
chronic intake, VAN EGMOND
clean : nettoyer (à sec), HADDEN & ZAMARONI
cleanup, AGARWAL
cleavage, chemistry : coupure; n.f.; réactions de coupure en ß, SALTRON
clockwise : horaire, VARIAN
coagulation : coagulation; prise en masse, PARAF
column back-pressure : pression en arrière qui maintient l'écoulement d'éluant, McCARTHY
column bleed, displacement of static phase in GC and LC; perte ou déplacement de phase stationnaire en GC/LC; degradation, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
column pressure, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
communications processor, HEWLETT-PACKARD
concentration of solvent : concentration du solvant, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
configuration menu, VARIAN
conformation, PARAF
conformational, PARAF
contamination, foreign matter on optics or in cells, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
continuous spectrum, HEWLETT-PACKARD
continuous subcutaneous infusion, CSIT, type of treatment involving slow introduction of drug beneath skin, McCARTHY
co-prescribe, : coprescrire, McCARTHY
corn meal, VAN EGMOND
cottonseed meal, VAN EGMOND
counterclockwise : antihoraire, VARIAN
crimp-top closure : sertissage; sertir par le haut, VARIAN
cross-reactivity : susceptible aux réactions croisées, PARAF
cyanogen bromide cleavage : coupure bromure de cyanogène, PARAF
damping control, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
dark current : courant de bruit de fond; courant de ligne de base, HEWLETT-PACKARD
data acquisition processor, DAP : unité de traitement des données, HEWLETT-PACKARD
default value : valeur par défaut, VARIAN
degas, degas solvent : dégazer, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
denaturation, aggregation : dénaturation; agglomération, PARAF
derivatization reagent, derivatizing reagent, adduct : réactif de dérivation; adduit, AGARWAL
derivatization technique, derivatizing reagent : technique de dérivation, AGARWAL
detector cell assembly : ensemble cellule détecteur, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
determination, quantitative analysis, assay, analytical method, quantitation : dosage; n.m.; analyse quantitative; l.f.; détermination, AGARWAL
deuterium gas discharge lamp : lampe à deutérium, HEWLETT-PACKARD
diferential scanning calorimetry, PARAF
differential thermal analysis, DTA, PARAF
diode-array detector : détecteur à barrettes de diodes, HEWLETT-PACKARD
direct fluid injection, GC/MS analysis, DFI, introduction of vapourized effluent from the chromatograph via an interface (i.e. heated probe) into the chemical ionization source of a mass spectrometer, DFI is used for efficient transfer of chemical compounds to the ion source, and for acquisition of mass spectra under mild thermal conditions, supercritical fluid chromatography : injection directe du fluide; l.f.; chromatographie à fluide supercritique, SMITH & UDSETH
disassemble, take machine or apparatus apart, dismantle : démanteler, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
disposable : jettable, VARIAN
disulphide bridge : pont disulphure, PARAF
divided subcutaneous doses, McCARTHY
downslope, shoulder or fall from peak, HEWLETT-PACKARD
dual solvent reservoir, VARIAN
electron impact, EI, mode of ionization using collision with accelerated electrons, cf. chemical ionization : impact électronique; l.m., SALTRON et al., 1994
electrophoretic, adj. : électrophorétique, PARAF
eluate, monitor eluate : éluat, AGARWAL
elute, vtr : éluer, AGARWAL
emphysema, McCARTHY
empirical formula, chemistry, a chemical formula showing the simplest ratio of elements in a compound rather than the total number of atoms in the molecule (LONGMAN), CH2O is the empirical formula for glucose, empiric formula (HARRAP'S SCIENCE DICTIONARY, 1985), do not confuse with structural formula or rational formula, structural formula : formule brute; n.f.; une fois la formule [brute] de R établie...SALTRON; formule empirique; à ne pas confondre avec formule développée; cf. formule structurale
ending point, tail (of peak), end-point (of titration), AGARWAL
end of peak, HEWLETT-PACKARD
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, ELISA, PARAF
epitope, three-dimensional site on an antigenic substance to which an antibody will bind : épitope, PARAF
evaporate to dryness, l.v., AGARWAL
excess reagent, AGARWAL
exposure assessment, VAN EGMOND
exposure route : mode d'exposition, VAN EGMOND
extraction, solvent extraction : extraction par solvant, AGARWAL
extrusion cooking : procédé d'extrusion, PARAF
fermentation starter culture : culture de départ; type d'innoculate, PARAF
flashback : ?reflux, VARIAN
flow cell : cuvette; type de cellule dans laquelle il y a débit de fluide, HEWLETT-PACKARD
flow rate, column flow : débit; n.m., AGARWAL
flow system : circuit liquide, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
fluorescence detection : détection par fluorescence, McCARTHY
folding : replis; enroulement, PARAF
food adulteration, PARAF
food allergen : substance allergène alimentaire, PARAF
food allergy : cow's milk allergy (CMA); allergie alimentaire, PARAF
food intolerance reaction, coeliac disease, PARAF
food proteins : protéines alimentaires, PARAF
foodstuff, commodity : denrée alimentaire, VAN EGMOND
foreign material : corps étranger, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
fortified milk : lait enrichi, AGARWAL
fragmentation, GC/MS, breaking up of molecules during ionization in source, distinctive fragmentation patterns for isobutane or pentane chemical ionization : fragmentation; n.f.; action de fragmenter des molécules, SMITH & UDSETH
fresh solvent : solvent preparé recemment, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
front panel keypad GC : tableau de contrôle CG, VARIAN
full-scale deflection : pleine échelle, McCARTHY
fume hood : hotte; n.f., VARIAN
fungal : fongique, PARAF
gasket : obturateur de joint, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
gas-tight syringe : seringue étanche au gaz, McCARTHY
Gaussian replot : courbe gaussienne, HEWLETT-PACKARD
gelling property : propriété gélifiante, PARAF
glycolysis, the enzyme-catalysed breakdown of a carbohydrate in a cell, by way of phosphate derivatives, to produce pyruvic acid or lactic acid and energy in the form of high-energy phosphate bonds of ATP : glycolyse, PARAF
glycosylation, process by which sugars are added to proteins to form glycoproteins, PARAF
gradient elution : élution graduée ; sciences du pétrole (MOUREAU & BRACE), HADDEN & ZAMARONI
gradient system, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
gross lot, batch consisting of 144 items, VARIAN
grounded, earthed : à la masse, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
ground loop : circuit de masse, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
guard column : ?colonne de garde, AGARWAL
guideline level, VAN EGMOND
hand-tightened : serré à la main, VARIAN
harm : effet nocif; méfait, VAN EGMOND
hazard, source of danger or harmful effects : danger; aléa, VAN EGMOND
hazard analysis, hazard assessment : évaluation des dangers, VAN EGMOND
hazard evaluation, VAN EGMOND
heat-denatured : dénaturé par la chaleur, PARAF
hepatocarcinogenicity, VAN EGMOND
high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC : chromatographie liquide à haute performance, McCARTHY
high performance thin-layer chromatography, HPTLC : chromatographie liquide sur couche mince, McCARTHY
high pressure system : système à haute pression, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
holographic grating, diffraction grating : réseau, HEWLETT-PACKARD
home position vial : flacon du position de départ, VARIAN
hot needle time : temps d'attente et de chauffe, VARIAN
hybridoma, prepared by combining rat spleen cells with non-secreting myeloma cells : hybridome; population de cellules hybrides, PARAF
hydrophobic : hydrophobe, PARAF
hypersensitivity, subject to...immune response occurring in an exaggereated form, CMA is a hypersensitivity reaction..., reactions are classified into four major types according to their speed and mechanisms involved : ?hypersensibilité, PARAF
hypokalaemia : hypokaliémie, McCARTHY
immune response : réponse du système immunitaire, PARAF
immune response system : système immunitaire, PARAF
immuno-assay, immunoassay : analyse immunologique; dosage immunologique; immuno-analyse, PARAF
immunochemical analysis, immuno-assay : analyse immunochimique; dosage immunochimique, PARAF
immunoglobulin E, IgE, a class of antibodies which triggers anaphylactic reactions when presented with an antigen, present at very low levels in serum, PARAF
immunoglobulin G, IgG, the major serum antibody, making up 75% of the total, responsible forthe majority of secondary immune responses, PARAF
immunoglobulin M, IgM, usually the first antibody to be produced during an immune response;its pentameric structure endows it with many antigen-binding sites, PARAF
improper gradient : gradient incorrect, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
incident light intensity, HEWLETT-PACKARD
inert face : interface non-active, VARIAN
infant formula, AGARWAL
infusion, continuous slow introduction of a solution (by drip), especially into a vein, McCARTHY
injection, recovery, AGARWAL
injection rate : vitesse d'injection, VARIAN
injector, HPLC & GC/MS, apparatus used to introduce sample into HPLC or GC column, vaporizing injector, non-vaporizing injector (VARIAN), variable loop injector, splitless injector, (SMITH & UDSETH); In the pentane experiments, an 0.2 ?l injector without a splitter... mounted on a water-cooled jacket... was used for sample introduction (SMITH & UDSETH), cf. syringe pump : injecteur; n.m.; pompe à injection
inlet line : entrée, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
instalation : mise en place, VARIAN
integrated seal, VARIAN
integrator, AGARWAL
interface, GC/MS, link permitting transmission of sample from the high pressure of the chromatographic column to the high vacuum of the mass spectrometer source, in a SFC/MS interface, the restrictor must separate the ion source from the GC column, heated probe, restrictor : interface; n.f.; dispositif de liaison entre la colonne chromatographique en phase gazeuse et la source d'un spectromètre de masse; restricteur, ROACH et al., 1989
interferences, AGARWAL
interfering peak : ?pic interférant/parasite, AGARWAL
internal diameter, I.D.: diamètre interne, Ø, AGARWAL
internally-machined glass vial, sample receptacle with conical internal construction : flacon de verre standardisé, usiné conique à l'intérieur, VARIAN
internal standard, I.S. : standard interne, McCARTHY
intra-assay precision, within-sample analytical error, coefficient of variance (CV) expressed as percentage of the mean : répétabilité, McCARTHY
ion-exchange resin : résine echangeuse d'ions, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
ionic modifier, perchloric acid, McCARTHY
ion-pair liquid-liquid extraction, McCARTHY
ion profile, GC/MS, plot showing variation of selected mass/charge ratio intensities with time of elution, reconstructed from full mass spectral scans, total ion current profile : ?profil d'élution en spectromètie de masse; l.m., SMITH & UDSETH
isomerization, reaction bringing about change from one isomeric form to another, positional isomer : isomérisation; n.f.; transformation d'un corps chimique en l'un de ses isomères (MOUREAU & BRACE), AGARWAL
jeopardize : pérécliter, VAN EGMOND
kappa-casein, PARAF
kwashiorkor : syndrome de dénutrition infantile; forme grave de carence en protéines frappant le plus fréquemment les jeunes enfants, VAN EGMOND
label direction, manufacturer's instructions, AGARWAL
labelling : désignation, VARIAN
labile, chemistry, readily undergoing chemical breakdown or physical change, thermally labile, cf. unstable, stable, metastable : instable; adj.; qui est sujet à changer (ROBERT); instable à la chauffe; labile; peu stable; cf. fixe; cf. métastable, SMITH & UDSETH
Lambert-Beer Law, absorption spectrophotometry : loi de Lambert-Beer, HEWLETT-PACKARD
lamp starter : démarreur, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
LC cleanup system : systéme de nettoyage de la chromatographie liquide, AGARWAL
light ?pattern : spectre, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
limit of confirmation of identity, VAN EGMOND
limit of detection : seuil de détection, McCARTHY
limit of determination, detection limit, VAN EGMOND
lint, type of raw cotton fibre, used in soft tissue paper : papier de cellulose, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
lipid-rich, PARAF
liquid chromatography, LC : chromatographie liquide; l.f., AGARWAL
liquid end, liquid chromatography HADDEN & ZAMARONI : tête de pompe; l.f.
lyase, any of a group of enzymes that catalyse reactions, or their reversal, in which a double bond is removing a chemical group from the molecule by a process other than hydrolysis, decarboxylase, citric lyase, PARAF
lysis, process of disintegration or breakdown (e.g. of cells), can be effected by centrifugation and ultrasonication : lyse; n.f., PARAF
lysozyme, PARAF
Maillard reaction, reactions between proteins and reducing sugars result in non-enzymatic glycosylation : réaction de Maillard, PARAF
maintenance : entretien
manifold, chemical apparatus with lateral outlet for connecting up different lines, solid-phase extraction columns are prepared by washing with various solutions using a manifold : collecteur, McCARTHY
mass storage unit : unité de stockage, HEWLETT-PACKARD
maximal treatment, high doses of oral ß1-agonists, inhaled steroids
and broncodilators, McCARTHY
maximum permitted level, maximum permissable dose : dose maximale admissible; DMA, (CILF), VAN EGMOND
maximum tolerated level : niveau maximum tolérable, VAN EGMOND
menu item, VARIAN
mesophilic bacteria, aerobic mesophilic contaminants : bactéries mésophiles; microorganismes aérobies mésophiles, M.A.M.(MICHARD), PARAF
milk-based : à base de lait, AGARWAL
molar adsorption coefficient : coefficient d'absorption molaire, HEWLETT-PACKARD
monitoring : suivi, PARAF
monoclonal antibody, MAb, belonging to homogeneous group all of the same specificity produced by a single clone, produced by hybridomas : anticorps monoclonal (-aux), PARAF
mycotoxin, patulin, ochratoxin A, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, T-2 toxin,chetomin, stachybotryotoxin, phomopsin : mycotoxine; n.f.; toxine produite par un champignon, VAN EGMOND
native conformation : conformation d'origine, PARAF
needle residence time, length of time the needle remains in the injector after the sample has been expelled from the injector, injection time + hot needle time = total residence time; temps de résidence de l'aiguille, VARIAN
non-enzymatic glycosylation : glycosylation non-enzymatique, PARAF
non-secreting myeloma cells, PARAF
normal-phase LC : ?chromatographie liquide en phase normale, AGARWAL
normal-phase LC system, AGARWAL
off-line evaluation, HEWLETT-PACKARD
on-line, adj. : en continu; en permanence, HEWLETT-PACKARD
organic amine modifier, McCARTHY
outlet line : sortie, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
overloaded column : colonne surchargée, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
particulates : matière particulaire, VARIAN
partition, v.intr., physical chemistry, to redistribute a component between different phases, molecules which do not readily partition into organic solvents, extraction : partager;; répartir, McCARTHY
peak, apex : pic, HEWLETT-PACKARD
peak detector, HEWLETT-PACKARD
peak height : amplitude du pic, AGARWAL
peak tailing : étalement du pic, McCARTHY
pentameric : pentamérique, PARAF
percentile, VAN EGMOND
pick-up : récupération, VARIAN
plasma, liquid part of blood, lymph or milk as distinguished from suspended material (e.g. cells or fat globules), serum : plasme; liquide produit par décantation du sang après coagulation; sérum, McCARTHY
plugging; AutoSampler : bloquage; chromatographie liquide; colmatage
polarity switch, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
polar molecule : molécule polaire; l.m., McCARTHY
polyclonal antibody, belonging to heterogeneous population of antibodies with different specificities produced from many clones, PARAF
poor peak shape : pic mal formé, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
positional isomer, chemistry, one of a set of compounds which share the same molecular formula but which differ in structural arrangement, isomerization : isomère de position; l.m.; un composé, groupement ou ion qui présente des variations de structure (formule développeé); se dit ...des corps constitués de mêmes éléments, ayant la même formule brute et le même poids moleculaire, mais une formule développée différente (MOUREAU & BRACE)
pounds per square inch, psi, 1 pound-force per square inch = 6.895 x 1,000 Pa, 1 standard atmosphere (1.013 x 100,000 Pa) = 14.69 psi, VARIAN
precolumn : précolonne, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
pressuring : mise sous pression, VARIAN
previtamin D, conversion of vitamin D to previtamin D, AGARWAL
prism mounting, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
protonation, McCARTHY
pump, syringe pump : pompe; n.f.; pompe à injection, AGARWAL ; cf. injecteur
quality control : assurance qualité, PARAF
quantitate (?), more properly, to quantify : quantifier, AGARWAL
quantitation (?), measurement, more properly termed "quantification", quantitative analysis : mesure quantitative, AGARWAL
quantitative conversion, AGARWAL
quantitative LC, AGARWAL
quart, qt, unit of liquid measure (2 pints) = 1.136 litres (U.K.), U.S. quart = 0.946 litre, IU/quart, AGARWAL
raise against, MAb raised against the pure proteins, PARAF
rationale, rational basis : fondement raisonné; approche ou argument qui justifie une décision (ou règlementation), VAN EGMOND
raw-data buffer, HEWLETT-PACKARD
reaction mixture : mélange réactionnel, AGARWAL
reagent grade, l.adj. : qualité pour utilisation comme réactif chimique, AGARWAL
reconnect (to), HADDEN & ZAMARONI
record : enregistrement, HEWLETT-PACKARD
recorder gain, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
reducing sugars : sucres réducteurs, PARAF
reference cell, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
reference electrode : électrode de référence, McCARTHY
regenerate, column not regenerated after gradient elution, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
regulation : réglementation, VAN EGMOND
release : libération, PARAF
rentention time : temps de rétention, AGARWAL
repeating mechanism : système automatique de pipettage, McCARTHY
resolution : résolution, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
restriction, obstacle causing constriction of flow : restriction; étranglement, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
restrictor, GC/MS, part of interface between GC capillary column and MS source, sample and carrier pass through the resistively heated mass spectrometer probe to the restrictor, (SMITH & UDSETH), heat must be added to the restrictor to assist in vaporization of the effluent, (ROACH et al., 1989), made of narrow-bore capillary tubing or porous polymer frit, a restrictor is required at the end of the capillary column to maintain SFC conditions throughout the column, (ROACH et al., 1989), supercritical fluid chromatography : restricteur; n.m.; étranglement; dispositif qui provoque la nébulisation du fluide supercritique à l'entrée de la source, SMITH & UDSETH
retention : rétention, PARAF
reverse-phase LC : CL en phase inverse, AGARWAL
reverse-phase LC system, AGARWAL
risk, public health, probability of disease or death of individuals exposed to hazard : risque, VAN EGMOND
risk assessment, VAN EGMOND
risk factors, VAN EGMOND
safe intake, VAN EGMOND
salbutamol, McCARTHY
sample cell, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
sample loop, AGARWAL
sample tube, AGARWAL
sample volume, volume drawn from the vial, the portion of the solvent flush syringe load that constitutes the vial sample, VARIAN
sandwich ELISA, PARAF
saponification : saponification, AGARWAL
saponify : saponifier; on saponifie la graisse, AGARWAL
scan : balayage, HEWLETT-PACKARD
screening method, PARAF
selectivity : sélectivité; n.f., AGARWAL
sensitivity : sensibilité; n.f., AGARWAL
septum : septum, VARIAN
sequence homology, PARAF
sequential solvent wash, VARIAN
serum, watery portion of an animal fluid remaining after coagulation (curdling or clotting), blood serum, serum globulin : sérum; n.m.; sérum sanguin ou sérum du sang, sérum-globuline, PARAF
shutter : obturateur, HEWLETT-PACKARD
side port, VARIAN
signal lead, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
signal-to-noise ratio : rapport signal/bruit, HEWLETT-PACKARD
solid phase extraction, SFE : extraction en phase solide, McCARTHY
solute concentration, HEWLETT-PACKARD
solute focusing, VARIAN
solution, stock solution, intermediate solution, working standard solution : solution mère, AGARWAL
solvation, chemistry, conversion into a complex ion ...formed by the chemical or physical combination of a solute ion or molecule with a solvent molecule (modified from LONGMAN), utilize the selective solvating power of the supercritical fluids, solvating power is the capacity of a solvent to associate with the solute molecules : solvatisation; n.f.; association de molécules d'un corps dissous avec son solvent (MOUREAU & BRACE); solvatation (d'un colloïde) (HARRAP'S), SMITH & UDSETH
solvent, LC grade hexane, methanol, acetonitrile, ethyl acetate, chloroform, AGARWAL
solvent flush : cycle de rinçage par solvant, VARIAN
solvent plug : solvant servant à pousser l'échantillon, VARIAN
solvent plug size, size of the solvent plug portion of the solvent flush syringe load, VARIAN
soy-based : à la base de soya, AGARWAL
specificity : spécificité, PARAF
spectrum, UV/VIS spectrophotometry, absorbance as a function of wavelength, HEWLETT-PACKARD
spike, spikes on recorder baseline : saut (parasite éléctrique), HADDEN & ZAMARONI
spike (to), use this solution for spiking samples : marquer, AGARWAL
spleen : rate, PARAF
splitter, GC/MS, part of the sample introduction system : diviseur; n.m., SMITH & UDSETH
stainless steel, stainless steel tubing : acier inoxydable, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
standard deviation, S.D., McCARTHY
static reference, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
steric hindering, steric hindrance : empêchement stérique, McCARTHY
strip, solvent stripping water from column : entraîner, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
strongly retained compound : composé fortement retenu, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
structural formula, chemistry, cf. empirical formula : formule chimique structurale ; l.f.; formule de constitution (MOUREAU & BRACE); formule developpée (HARRAP'S); cf. formule brute, starting record 01/04/94
subchronic intake, VAN EGMOND
sulphophenylpropyl bonded silica, SCX, type of phase used in solid-phase extraction columns for HPLC, McCARTHY
supercritical fluid chromatography, SFC, analytical organic chemistry, analytical method which uses a mobile phase with the solvating power of a liquid and the diffusivity and viscosity of a gas to chromatograph non-volatile or thermally labile compounds (ROACH et al., 1989), capillary-column SFC, direct fluid injection : chromatographie à fluide supercritique; l.f.; injection directe du fluide, SMITH & UDSETH
syringe, basic LC, inject liquid by means of syringe : introduire un [grand] volume de solvant [par seringue]; l.v., HADDEN & ZAMARONI
syringe barrel, VARIAN
syringe injection valve, AGARWAL
syringe plunger, VARIAN
syringe pump, apparatus used to raise the pressure of the liquid carrier to the required value in direct supercritical fluid injection mass spectrometry, pressure regulated high pressure syringe pump(SMITH & UDSETH); cf. injector : pompe à injection; l.f.; pompe à injection haute pression ; cf.injecteur
tachycardia : tachycardie, McCARTHY
target-specific epitope, PARAF
terbutaline, McCARTHY
TFE laminated silicone rubber septa, VARIAN
thermal processing, thermal treatment : traitement thermique, PARAF
thermoresistant : thermostable, PARAF
threshold level, VAN EGMOND
time interval, time step : pas, HEWLETT-PACKARD
time sampling start : retardement du démarrage, VARIAN
tolerable daily intake : dose journalière admissible, VAN EGMOND
transfer line, GC/MS, tubing between injector and restrictor, leads from injector to gas chromatograph oven and through into the mass spectrometer probe, restrictor : ligne de transfert; n.f.; tubulure qui relie l'injecteur avec la source du spéctromètre; restricteur, SMITH & UDSETH
transmitted light intensity, HEWLETT-PACKARD
tremor, McCARTHY
trial and error : échec et essai, VARIAN
trichothecene, organic chemistry, generic term for a family of mycotoxins, T-2 toxin, diacetoxyscirpenol, (SMITH & UDSETH), deoxynivalenol, roridin A, (ROACH et al., 1989), mycotoxin; trichothecène; n.m.; terme générique pour un groupe de mycotoxines; T-2 toxine; mycotoxine, SMITH & UDSETH
troubleshooting : dépannage, diagnostique entretien, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
turnaround time : durée du cycle, VARIAN
two-phase system : système biphasé; système à deux phases, VARIAN
ultraviolet photometer, uv photometer, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
upper air gap, top air gap : bulle d'air supérieure, VARIAN
upslope, shoulder or rise to peak, HEWLETT-PACKARD
variable wavelength detector, AGARWAL
venting, VARIAN
vial, standard 2 mL vial with screw cap : fiole; n.f., VARIAN
vial needle depth, the depth which the needle reaches in the vial : pénétration, VARIAN
viscosity, measured in centipoises (Cp) : viscosité, VARIAN
vitamin D2, ergocalciferol, AGARWAL
vitamin D3, cholecalciferol, AGARWAL
vitamins D2 + D3, total vitamin D, AGARWAL
volatility, VARIAN
vortex mixer, Bronwill vortex mixer, AGARWAL
wash out, flush : rincer, HADDEN & ZAMARONI
waste arm, VARIAN
waste cup, VARIAN
wavelength calibration, HEWLETT-PACKARD
whey, serum fitrate from milk : petit lait; sérum de lait, PARAF
whey protein : protéine de sérum lactique, PARAF
yeast strain : souche de levure, PARAF
yield : rendement; n.m., AGARWAL
zero, vtr & vi : remettre à zéro (vtr), revenir
AGARWAL, J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem., vol 72, no. 6, pp. 1007-1009, 1989, MICROMATER file opened October 22, 1993
HADDEN & ZAMARONI, monograph: Basic liquid chromatography (chapter 11), liquid chromatography, File opened MICROMATER October 9, 1993
HEWLETT-PACKARD, technical manual: HPLC Chem Station, The Handy Reminder, First Edition, March 1985, file opened 7 January, 1994
McCARTHY, Biomedical Chromatography, vol 7, pp. 25-28, 1993, file opened 21 January, 1994
PARAF, Trends in Food Science & Technology, vol 3, pp. 263-267, October 1992, file opened November 19, 1993
ROACH et al., Biomedical and Environmental Mass Spectrometry, vol 18,pp. 64-70, 1989, file opened April 1, 1994
SALTRON et al., publication in preparation, 1994, file opened April 1, 1994
SMITH & UDSETH, Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, vol 10, no. 10, pp. 577-580, 1983 , MICROMATER file opened March 31, 1993
VAN EGMOND, Food additives and contaminants, vol 10, pp. 29-36, 1993, file opened 16 December, 1993
VARIAN, technical manual: 3100 AutoSampler Varian, section 4 - operation,
file opened 3 December, 1993
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