CV glossary compiled bv M. CARPENTER

Equivalences de diplômes
Services dans une entreprise
Positions dans une entreprise

Quelques informations extraites de «Les Mots Entre Eux - mention:
Economie, Droit» par C. BOUSCAREN et F. LAB, Ophrys.
Starting work
Types of job
Trades and shops
Office work
Professions and trades

Equivalences de diplômes

French equivalent of General Certificate of Secondary Edu cation "A" Levels (in UK); High School Diploma (in US). This certificate gives university entrance qualification. It is advisable to mention the subjects taken, e.g. maths, physics, etc. Equivalence of grades obtained is as follows: A - très bien ; B - bien ; C - assez bien ; D - passable.  Note that distinction is not a recognized grade in the UK.

BTS (Brévet de Technicien Supérieur)
Two-year technical training course at sixth-form college/high school; equivalent to DEUG.

IRII (Informatique et Réseaux Industriels, Culture Internationale)
Technical Coîlege Diploma in Information Technology, Network Systems and International Relations.

Cours préparatoires
Sixth-form (or high school) preparation for entrance into non-university higher education (i.e. for "Grandes Ecoles", professional training schools and institutions).

First stage of medical school studies, entrance requirement for further medical training. Accepted as dispensation from first year of DEUG.

First part of Bachelor's Degree (equivalent to two years of undergraduate studies).

DUT (Diplôme Universitaire en Technologie)
Diploma issued by technical training institutes (IUT) ; two years course with a technical specialization (Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Industrial Information Technology, Business Management and Administration, Telecommunications and Networks, Chemistry). You can mention your ranking in a class, e.g. first in a class of 60.

Licence (BAC +3/4)
BSc Honours Degree (BSc = Bachelor of Science, BS in the USA; use BA for Bachelor of Arts), obtained after three or four years of undergraduate studies, sometimes with course project report.
It is necessary to give the common-core syllabus subjects and chosen specialization. Examination result is given as follows: 1st  class, Upper 2nd , Lower 2nd , pass degree.

Diplôme Universitaire d'intégration Professionnelle (DUIP)
Postgraduate Diploma in Professional Career Development (three months training course followed by six months work placement).

Honours Degree in Computer Science for Business Administration.

Maitrise (BAC +4/5)
Master's Degree (MSC = Master of Science ; MS in the USA), Postgraduate Diploma, usually with dissertation. "Passed with distinction" is a recognized grade for this exam.

DEA (BAC +5/6)
Postgraduate Diploma, preparation for doctoral studies (course work and dissertation).

DIIC (Diplôme d'ingénieur en Informatique et Communication)
Postgraduate diploma in Information Technology and Communications Engineering.

DESS (Diplôme d'Etudes Supérieures Spécialisées) (BAC +5)
Higher Education Diploma in Specialized Studies, for example: ISA (Informatique et ses Applications), Information Technology and its appîications; CCI (Informatique Complémentaire à une Compétence Initiale ou Informatique - Double Compétence), Diploma in computer science as a complementary subject, 
being a fundamental and advanced course for graduates initially trained in some other discipline.

Doctorat (BAC +7)
PhD (granted after submission of doctoral thesis; three years original research with no course work).

Establishment of tenure in a teaching or public service post.

Concours d'agrégation
Competitive examination conducted by the State for admission to teaching posts in Lycées.

EEA (Electrotechnique, Electronique et Automatique)
Electrical, electronic and control systems engineering.

TER (Travaux d'Etude de Recherche)
Course project work (subject of written report).

Association «Junior Entreprise»
Scheme for promoting contracts between students' association and business.

Brevet d'Aptitude aux Fonctions d'Animateur (BAFA)
Group leader training certificate.

Higher training school for electrical, electonic, control and communications engineering.

Services dans une entreprise

atélier = workshop (shop-floor)
bureau des études = development department (design office, cf. research and development, abbreviated as R & D)
comptabilité = accounting
contrôle de qualité = quality control (quality assurance)
department logistique = logistic support
dépôt = warehouse
fabrication = production (manufacturing)
la direction = the management
marchanises à l'arrivée = incoming stock (or goods)
réclamations = com plaints department
secrétariat = secretary's office
service après-vente = after-sales service
service de construction = construction (building)
service de recherche = research department
service des achats = purchasing department
service des commandes = orders department
service des exportations = export department
service des ventes = sales department (distribution)
service du personnel = personnel (human resources department, recruitment)
relations publiques = PR (Public Relations, press office, communication)
service expédition = delivery department (dispatching, distribution)
service extérieur = field service
service formation = training department
service informatique = data processing (computing)
service juridique = legal department
service maintenance = maintenance department
service publicité = advertising
standard = switchboard

Positions dans une entreprise

administrateur = administrator, director
aide-comptable = book-keeper, accounting clerk
assistant, vice-aide = assistant, aide (a top, senior or close assistant to an important  person)
assistant de direction = personal assistant
chef de personnel = head of personnel (human resources)
chef de service = head of department
commissaire aux comptes = auditor
directeur des ventes = sales manager
chef des achats = purchasing manager
chef du bureau d'études = head of development (or research and development, R & D)
chef du S.R.D. = head of research (or research and development, R & D)
collaborateur = colleague, coworker
commissaire aux comptes = auditor
comptable = accountant
directeur d'usine = plant manager, production unit manager
employé de bureau = clerk
fondé de pouvoir = signing clerk
la direction = the management
le directeur général = executive vice-president (US)
le PDG = managing director (chairman of a company)
représentant de commerce (VRP) = sales representative (abbreviated form : rep)
responsable de la construction = construction manager
responsable de formation  training manager
secrétaire = secretary, typist
secrétaire de direction = personal assistant (abbr: PA)
secrétaire général = company secretary
standardiste = telephonist
vendeur = salesperson


animateur = group leader, activity group leader, organizer, moderator (of Web forum)
carrière = career
col blanc, employé de bureau = white-collar worker
corps de métier = trade (craft and skilled work), profession (formal term, especially for intellectual work)
effectif = staff
emploi, travail, métier = job (informal)
employé(e) = employee
main d'oeuvre = labour (organized), manpower
main d'oeuvre disponible, effectifs = labour force, work force
manoeuvre = labourer (unskilled)
ouvrier (manuel), col bleu = blue-collar worker
ouvrier d'usine = factory hand (unskilled worker)
ouvrier posté = shift worker
ouvrier spécialisé = tradesman (skilled worker)
poste = post, position
profession, métier = occupation
roulement = shift
salarié = salaried employee, wage earner (general)
travailleur au noir = moonlighter
travailleur immigré = immigrant worker
travailleur indépendant = freelance worker (self-employed)

Starting work

apprenti = apprentice
apprentissage = apprenticeship
candidat, postulant = applicant
carte de séjour, permis de travail temporaire = work permit, green card (US)
chasseur de têtes = head hunter (recruiting agent)
contrat à durée déterminée = term contract
débouché = opening, opportunity
diplôme universitaire = degree
emploi, service = employment (to be in someone's service)
employeur, patron = employer
essai = probation (trial period)
formulaire de contrat standard = ?boiler plate (standard contract of employment)
poste vacant, poste à pouvoir = vacancy (post to be filîed)
référence, lettre de recommandation = letter of reference, referee's letter, testimonial
candidature, demande d'emploi = application
revenu salarial = earned income
stage =  placement (GB), internship (US) ; work placement, training period.
stage de formation = training course
taux fixe, forfait = fIat rate
travail de bureau = office work

Types of job

adjoint = deputy, assistant,
apprenti = apprentice
auxiliaire = auxiliary (especially in nursing)
balayeur = road sweeper, street sweeper
ébouer = dustman, refuse collector (GB), garbage collector (US)
emballeur = packer
facteur = postman, postwoman
intérimaire = temp (abbrev : temporary worker)
journalier, saisonnier = casual
magasinier = storekeeper, warehouse keeper/worker
manutentionnaire = handler
pompier = fireman
pompiste = pump attendant
préparateur de commandes = order clerk
remplaçant = stand-in
stagiaire = trainee (GB), intern (US)
technicien de surface = cleaner

Trades and shops

affichiste = poster designer
chef de rayon = section supervisor, shopwalker (GB), floor walker
commerçant = tradesman, shopkeeper (GB), storekeeper (US)
détaillant = retailer
étalagiste = window-dresser
grossiste = wholesaler
livreur = delivery worker/driver
marchand = ?tradesman, trader, dealer
publicitaire = adman, (person in charge of advertising)
vendeur = shop assistant (GB), salesperson, salesclerk (US)

Office work

chef de bureau = head clerk, chief clerk
dactylo = typist
documentaliste = file clerk, archivist, documentalist, librarian, researcher (press and television), information officer
employé de bureau = clerk (US), office worker (GB)
personnel de bureau = office staff
réceptioniste = receptionist
secrétaire de direction = executive secretary, personal assistant
standardiste = switchboard operator
sténo-dactylo = shorthand typist

Professions and trades


agent de police = policeman, police constable (GB)
assistant(e) social(e) = social worker, weîfare worker, case worker
avocat = attorney (US), barrister (GB)
commissaire de police = police captain (US), police superintendent (GB)
directeur de prison = prison governor (GB), prison warden (US)
gardien de prison = prison warder (GB), prison officer, prison guard (US)
inspecteur de police = police inspector
juge = judge
juriste = lawyer
magistrat = magistrate
notaire, avoué = sollicitor (GB)


aide soignante = nursing auxilîiary
anesthésiste = anaesthetist (pronounce "an eez the sist" GB;  "an ess the sist" US), anesthiologist (US)
chirugien = surgeon
chirugien-dentiste = dental surgeon
dentiste = dentist
généraliste = general practitioner (abbr: GP)
infirmier, infirmière = nurse, staff nurse
infirmière diplômée = registered nurse
inspecteur du travail = health and safety inspector
interne = house doctor, houseman (GB), intern (US)
kinésithérapeute = physiotherapist
masseur = masseur
médecin (non chirugien) = doctor (GB), physician (US)
oculiste = eye specialist, oculist
opthalmologue = opthalmologist
opticien = optician
ostéopathe = osteopath
oto-rhino = ear, nose and throat specialist
pharmacien (préparateur)= dispensing chemist (GB), pharmacist, druggist (US)
pédicure = chiropodist
psychiatre = psychiatrist (pronounce « sai kaia trist»)
psychanalyste = psychoanalyst
sage-femme = midwife
vétérinaire = veterinary surgeon, veterinary (abbr: vet)


agent de saisie = data processing operator, key boarder
analyste programmeur = computer programmer
astronome = astronomer
biologiste = biologist
chimiste = chemist
géologue = geologist
informaticien = computer scientist, information technologist
mathématicien = mathematician
physicien nucléaire = nuclear physicist
physicien = physicist (do not cofuse with physician in American English)
scientifique = scientist

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