Dictionary of Earth Sciences/Dictionnaire des Sciences de la Terre - English-French and French-English. 346 pages, John WiIey & Sons/Masson, 1997, 3rd Edition. ISBN 0471-96603-7
by David Fry
This, the third edition of a dictionary originally compiled by Jean-Pierre
Michel of the Université Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris VI), with Rhodes
W. Fairbridge of Columbia University, New York as associate editor, is an
update of the second edition, considerably supplemented by J.-P. Michel,
"especially in the environmental sciences (protection, pollution, storage
of wastes), meteorology and petrology". The Preface states that the entries
have been completely revised and validated by Dr. M. S. N. Carpenter, "a
professional translator with a D. Phil. in Geology from Oxford University,
who is also a Language tutor for science students at Rennes I University,
France". The revision is said to have included the substitution "of preferred
usage or terminology in the place of entries originally proposed by Prof.
Fairbridge or J.-P. Michel" and the provision of additional "terminological
information, partly as a result of corrections to the English-French part".
The second edition, unfortunately not to hand for comparison, was stated in
its preface (reproduced in the prefatory matter) to have quoted "the majority
of the terms mentioned in the Dictionnaire de Géologie, by A. Foucault
and J.-F. Raoult... apart from the names of certain paleontologîcal
species and minor tectonic events. On the other hand, many not specîfically
geological terms have been suppressed". It has to be assumed that this new
edition incorporates the bulk of the second edition with additions (no reference
is made to further deletions).
Somewhat surprisingly, the approximate number of terms is not stated,
but it can be deduced from the prefaces to the first two editions that the
English-French part contains in excess of 28,000 terms and the French-English
part in excess of 18,000 (respectively 205 pp and 120 pp. An end note to
the volume gives the useful information that "during the different phases
of revision of this third edition, the terms were checked against records
in a data-base (GEOBASE) developed by
Dr M. S. N. Carpenter that is available from the European Language Resources
Association - Distribution Agency, 87, avenue d'Italie, 75013 Paris"
There is also acknowledgement of the use made of terminological publications
of the CILF - issues of the Banques des Mots series covering landslides,
seismology, erosion, transportation and sedimentation, polymetallic nodules,
and tectonics, the vocabularies on hydrology and meteorology and on geomorphology
and the Dictionnaire de l'Environnement.
The dictionary is claimed, with some justification, to be "...a language
resource for authors and translators alike, also offering a reliable tool
for communication at scientific meetings and congresses." The prefatory matter
includes a short but useful section in English and French - Suggestions for
Translators/Suggestions aux traducteurs, followed by a Dated Geological Time
Scale - that of G.-S. and C. 0din. Also included as end notes is an alphabetical
listing of Anglo-American scientific abbreviations, with their English expansions
and a French translation or gloss, for -example CRM - chemical remanent magnetization
- magnétisme chimique rémanent, RR - rerun - redescente d'un
outil dans le puits, -and a short table of unit conversion.
The imbalance of size between the English-French and French-English
parts does not necessarily mean that the dictionary is of less use -to the
translator working into English, given that English has probably contributed
more than any other language to the terminology of the Earth Sciences. What
is a little disturbing is that synonyms or near matches do not always turn
up when checked out in the other language. For example, slime and slimy in
the English-French are given as limon-limoneux, vase-vaseux and boue-boueux,
but limon-limoneux in reverse gives loam-loamy, silt-silty, vase- gives mud,
ooze, slime, vaseux gives muddy, silty.
The Earth Sciences are, of course, a large area for a smallish
dictionary but a good balance would seem to have been maintained between the
academic and the applied aspects, and between geology, geochemistry, geophysics,
glaciology, mineralogy, oceanography, palaeontology, pedology, seismology,
tectonics and volcanology. This simple listing of subject matter suffices
to indicate that much has inevitably had to be left out. Suffice it to recall
that the Encyclopedia of Earth Science, of which Professor Fairbridge was
the general editor, is in 16 volumes. Sampling of the content suggests that
the coverage of meteorology is more skimpy than might be desired and that
the environmentalist would do well also to invest in monolingual environmental
dictionaries in English and French. In general, however, the terminology
given is excellent and - misprints are happily rare (standart was spotted
twice for standard and strenght for strength).
In the English-French part the actual arrangement of the terms is somewhat
puzzling in places. As an example, the term "drift", which has different
meanings in mining, in glacial transport, in coastal development and so on,
has 23 entries keyed under drift considered both as an adjective and a noun,
but others appear or are duplicated elsewhere and keyed on a preceding adjective
- "dumb drift", "shore drift", "longshore drift". Care therefore has to be
taken to cross check in order to make best use of the dictionary. Also, some
terms could undoubtedly profit from extra detail. In the French-English part,
for example, the term "naledj" has the entry naledi (Yukon, Sibérie)
n.m. icing and it is only in the English-French part that we find «formation
de lentilles de glace superficielle dans les plaines alluviales inondées
(Alaska)", which is accurate, but only a part of the story. The term is Russian
(naled, pl.. naledi) and "naledi" and "aufeis", both of which have been used
as neologisms by geologists writing in English, could usefully have been
added after "icing".
Despite the above, fairly minor criticisms, this is a work that inspires
confidence. In those fields in which I have worked as a translator over the
last 35 years, which have included coal mining, metallogeny, coastal development,
palaeontology, seismology and volcanology, I find it admirable and confidently
expect to use it as a dictionary of first resort.
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